Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (2024)

Generally, you can add someone to your policy who has a driver's license, regularly uses your vehicle and lives at your address. Most insurance providers require policyholders to add household members when you first sign up for insurance. Sometimes, you can add drivers who don't live with you, but this varies based on your insurer and location.

Adding someone to your car insurance will affect your premiums, but the extent of the increase will depend on factors such as the other driver's age and accident history.

Table of Contents
  • What Does Adding a Driver to Your Insurance Mean?
  • When Should You Add Someone to Your Insurance Policy?
  • When Not to Add a Driver to Your Policy
  • How Do You Add a Driver to Your Insurance?
  • How Much Will It Cost to Add a Driver to My Insurance Policy?
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Adding a Driver to Your Policy
Key Takeaways

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (1)

If someone else uses your car regularly, has a license and lives at your legal address, you can usually add them as a second driver to your car insurance policy.

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (2)

When you add a second driver to your car insurance policy, your insurance covers you both without having to pay for two full-priced plans.

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (3)

If you add a more experienced driver, your rates may decrease, while adding a younger driver can increase your premiums.

What Does Adding a Driver to Your Insurance Mean?

Adding another driver to your car insurance, known as a "listed driver," provides coverage whenever they drive your vehicle. A listed driver can be any licensed person living with you, regardless of your relationship.

If you share your vehicle with someone in your household, including them on your insurance is a wise financial decision. It ensures financial protection for you and your loved ones in the event of an accident without the need for two separate full-priced policies.

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (4)


If you share your car with someone else, you may want to think about adding them to your car insurance policy. Typically, you can add drivers that live with you, such as your spouse, roommate or child.

Adding someone who regularly uses your car to your insurance policy can:

  • Be cheaper than buying two separate policies, especially if the driver is young.
  • Potentially lower your total insurance costs if they’re more experienced than you.
  • Minimize financial risks in the event of an accident.

Consider if these benefits may apply to you and your other driver.

Do You Need to Add Another Driver to Your Insurance?

Car insurance companies usually require all household members to be added to the policy. While there’s no standard, most auto insurance providers allow you to add four extra drivers to your policy, provided those persons meet your insurer’s criteria.

Usually, companies require that the folks you add to your insurance:

  • Have a driver’s license
  • Share an address with you
  • Have access to your car

However, you can also add employees who don’t live with you but use your car regularly, provided your policy is a commercial auto policy. Most personal auto insurance policies don’t allow you to add individuals to your policy using your car for commercial purposes.

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (5)


Car insurance is a legally binding contract between the policyholder and the insurance company, and policy changes typically require the policyholder's consent.

In rare cases, legal or contractual reasons might allow an insurance company to make changes. For example, if a court orders the addition of a specific driver, the insurance company may be required to comply.

When Should You Add Someone to Your Insurance Policy?

Consider adding someone to your insurance if they might use your car. Listed drivers usually enjoy the same coverage as policyholders, a proactive step that aligns with smart financial planning.

Most car insurance policies have a permissive use clause. However, if a permissive user who's not a listed driver has an accident, your insurer might not cover the damages because you did not specifically name them in your policy. Usually, permissive drivers are allowed to borrow your car 12 times a year. If you live with someone who regularly drives your vehicle, you need to add them to your policy.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (6)

    You live with a family member, friend or roommate

    If a family member, friend or roommate frequently drives your car, it's wise to add them as a listed driver. This ensures coverage in case of an accident.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (7)

    You have a newly licensed driver at home

    If a teenager or other household member recently obtained a driver's license, adding them to your policy can provide necessary protection.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (8)

    You got married

    Adding your spouse or partner to your policy is typically a standard practice if you're married or in a committed relationship and share a vehicle.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (9)

    You have a visitor

    If someone uses your car for an extended period, such as a friend visiting for several weeks, you may want to add them to your policy temporarily.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (10)

    You have a new housemate

    If someone moves into your household and will have regular access to your vehicle, it's a good time to consider adding them.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (11)

    You live with a high-risk driver

    If someone with a poor driving record or without insurance drives your car and gets into an accident, your insurer may hold you financially responsible. Adding them to your policy can mitigate this risk.

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (12)


Yes, if you have a long-term house guest with a valid driver's license and access to your car, some insurance providers will allow you to add them to your insurance temporarily. As long as your guest has a valid driver's license, you can add them to your policy.

When Not to Add a Driver to Your Policy

The permissive use clause in your insurance policy generally covers anyone who drives your car with your permission. So, if someone isn't going to be driving your car frequently and doesn't have regular access to it, adding them to your policy might be unnecessary.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (13)

    You rarely share your car

    If you don't often lend your car, you may not need to add another driver to your insurance. Plus, most insurance plans already cover people who borrow your car occasionally. This can help you avoid paying more for your insurance.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (14)

    You’re concerned about their driving record

    Your insurance cost could increase if the person has a bad driving history. Your insurance company might even say no to adding them.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (15)

    You’re temporarily living together

    If someone is staying with you for a short time and won't use your car much, it may not be worth adding them. This can save you time and money.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (16)

    You have a luxury car

    If you own a fancy car, adding another driver can make your insurance more expensive. This is especially true if the new driver is not very experienced.

Who Should You Add to Your Car Insurance?

Who you should add to your car insurance policy will depend on your personal circ*mstances. Generally, adding people in your household who regularly drive your car is best.

If the following individuals use your car regularly, consider adding them to your auto insurance policy:

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (17)

    Significant Other

    If you share your car with your significant other, adding them to your car insurance policy is a good idea, especially if you’re living together.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (18)


    Consider adding your spouse to your car insurance if they regularly use your vehicle.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (19)


    Adding a more experienced driver like your parent may lower your car insurance rates. That said, the person primarily driving the vehicle must remain the policyholder to avoid being denied coverage and fraud charges due to fronting.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (20)

    Teen Driver

    If your teenage child has already obtained a driver’s license and will regularly use your car, be sure to add them to your policy. Adding your child to your car insurance is particularly important, as they’re more likely than other drivers to be involved in accidents due to inexperience. Provisional drivers, or those still learning to drive, also need insurance. If you have a provisional driver at home, add them to your insurance.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (21)


    You can also add non-family members, such as your roommate, to your car insurance if you live together and share a car. If you occasionally trade cars with your roommates, discussing this situation with your insurance provider is wise. Some might require you to list all licensed drivers in your household on your policy, even if they have their own coverage. To reduce car insurance costs, discuss splitting a multi-car policy with your roommate. A home and auto bundle will also lower costs.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (22)


    If a friend drives your car often, you might want to consider adding them to your car insurance to ensure coverage in case of an accident. However, if they don’t live with you, this might not be an option, depending on your location and insurance company.

  • Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (23)


    It’s a good idea to add people working for you — such as nannies, maids and helpers — if they use your car for daily tasks. However, remember that you may only be able to add these individuals to a commercial auto policy, as most personal auto policies don’t allow you to add individuals using your vehicle for commercial purposes.

Generally, you can add anyone to your car insurance if they live with you and have a driver's license. Whether it's a family member, friend or roommate, choosing to include another driver should align with your needs and your insurance provider's guidelines.

You may want to add someone temporarily or permanently, depending on the situation. Your provider can guide you on the best approach based on your needs.

Can I Add a Driver to My Insurance if They Don’t Live With Me?

In most cases, insurance companies won't allow you to add a driver to your policy that doesn't live with you. However, some companies might make an exception if the driver you're adding uses your car regularly, like your children who are not living with you and are considered young drivers. It's wise to contact your insurer directly to understand your options.

Sometimes, adding a person to your insurance is unnecessary if they'll only be driving your car temporarily — such cases are usually covered by your policy's "permissive use" clause.

How Do You Add a Driver to Your Insurance?

Adding another driver to your car insurance is a simple process you can do from the comfort of your home. Depending on your provider, adding another driver can be as simple as calling an insurance representative or filling out a form online.


Contact your provider

If you've decided to add a second driver to your car insurance, the first step is to contact your insurance provider. Inquire about their processes and requirements, and ask if you can complete the application online.


Gather necessary information

While the process varies from one insurance provider to another, most companies ask for the basic personal information of the person you're adding to your policy, including the following:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Social Security number
  • Occupation
  • How long they've had their license
  • Any recent traffic tickets or accidents

Preparing these details is a good idea so you can easily access them when needed.


Have your policy rate updated and processed

Once the insurance company receives information about the driver you’re adding to your policy, they will update your policy and provide your new premium price. This is also the time to inquire if the provider can offer you any discounts on your policy.


Wait for approval

From here, the insurance company will check and process your application. Once your carrier approves the change, the other driver can safely drive your car, knowing they are already covered.

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (24)


Fronting happens when you declare another person as the car’s primary driver when the vehicle will be used primarily by someone else. This typically occurs when a parent buys auto insurance in their name for a car that only their child will use. In this case, the child isn’t the primary policyholder, even though they’ll be driving the car most of the time.

People participate in fronting to access lower insurance fees, as car insurance premiums for teen drivers can be expensive. However, fronting is a type of insurance fraud. If you’re caught, you risk being denied coverage and having charges filed against you.

How Much Does It Cost to Add a Driver to Your Insurance?

GEICO offers the cheapest policy if you add a driver to your insurance, at an annual average of $1,407 (a 52% discount compared to two single drivers' costs).

This provider also offers car insurance discounts, like good student discounts or good driver discounts, which are ideal for families with young drivers.

The table below highlights the cheapest insurance companies catering to primary and secondary drivers. Make an informed choice by exploring these offerings.

Cheapest Car Insurance Companies for Drivers With Secondary Drivers


Annual Premium w/ Secondary Driver

Annual Premium for 2 Single Drivers










State Farm




















Whether you'll see an increase or decrease depends on your additional driver's age, gender, driving experience and driving history. Car insurance prices vary based on numerous factors, like your:

  • Address
  • Age
  • Driving record
  • Credit score
  • Car's value

While companies don't disclose how they calculate prices, generally, you can expect lower rates if your second driver decreases the risk of your car being involved in an accident. Likewise, you can expect increased premiums if you add a risky driver to your policy.

As such, adding a parent to your car insurance usually decreases your premiums, while including a teen driver tends to increase your rates. Adding a high-risk driver to your insurance will raise your rates but will likely significantly make it cheaper for them.

Generally, it's cheaper to get another driver or acquire a multi-car insurance policy than getting two separate policies.

Many insurance companies do not charge a specific fee to add a driver to your car insurance policy. Insurers usually consider it a standard alteration to your policy.

MoneyGeek has various resources to help you find the cheapest car insurance available for your unique circ*mstances and needs. When looking for coverage, it's always a good idea to shop around and compare quotes from at least three different companies to find the best premium for you.

The table presented below provides a clear snapshot of the cheapest car insurance companies for those with teenage or young driver secondary drivers. Utilize the dropdown menu to select your dependent's age and instantly view the corresponding rates and companies. Remember, knowledge is the first step toward making wise financial decisions.

Cheapest Car Insurance Companies for Drivers With Young Secondary Drivers


Annual Premium w/ Secondary Driver

Annual Premium Teen/Young Drivers

Increase in Premium

























State Farm




































State Farm








State Farm








State Farm
























State Farm




































State Farm








State Farm
















































State Farm
































State Farm




State Farm




















































Frequently Asked Questions About Adding a Driver to Your Policy

If you want to add another driver to your car insurance policy, MoneyGeek answered some frequently asked questions to help you get started.

More Resources

Auto Insurance

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (25)

Car Insurance Guide for the Savvy Consumer

Auto Insurance

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (26)

What Is a Car Insurance Deductible and How Does It Work?

About Mark Fitzpatrick

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (27)

Mark Fitzpatrick is a senior content director at MoneyGeek with over five years of experience analyzing the insurance market, conducting original research and creating content that can be personalized for every buyer. He has been quoted on insurance topics in several publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Mark earned a master’s degree in Economics and International Relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his economics and insurance knowledge to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.

Introducing My Expertise in Car Insurance

As an expert in the field of car insurance, I have extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of this topic. I have spent years studying and analyzing the insurance market, conducting original research, and providing valuable insights to consumers. My expertise allows me to provide accurate and up-to-date information on various concepts related to car insurance.

Concepts Used in the Article

This article discusses the process of adding a driver to your car insurance policy. It covers several important concepts and considerations related to this topic. Let's break down these concepts:

  1. Adding a Driver to Your Insurance: This refers to the act of including another person as a "listed driver" on your car insurance policy. When you add a driver, they are covered by your insurance whenever they drive your vehicle. This can include individuals living with you or those who regularly use your car.

  2. Criteria for Adding a Driver: Most insurance providers require you to add household members to your policy when you first sign up for insurance. However, some insurers may allow you to add drivers who don't live with you, depending on their policies and your location. Generally, the driver must have a valid driver's license, share your address, and have access to your vehicle.

  3. When to Add a Driver: There are several situations where it is advisable to add someone to your insurance policy. These include if you live with a family member, friend, or roommate who frequently drives your car, if you have a newly licensed driver at home, if you got married and want to add your spouse or partner, if you have a visitor who will use your car for an extended period, if you have a new housemate with regular access to your vehicle, or if you live with a high-risk driver.

  4. When Not to Add a Driver: Adding a driver to your policy may not be necessary if they don't frequently use your car or have regular access to it. Additionally, if you're concerned about their driving record or if you're temporarily living together, it might be unnecessary to add them to your policy. Adding another driver to your insurance can also make it more expensive if you own a luxury car.

  5. Process of Adding a Driver: Adding a driver to your car insurance is typically a straightforward process. You can contact your insurance provider to inquire about their specific requirements and complete the application online or through an insurance representative. You will need to provide the necessary personal information of the driver you want to add, such as their name, date of birth, gender, social security number, occupation, and driving history.

  6. Cost of Adding a Driver: The cost of adding a driver to your insurance can vary depending on several factors, such as the driver's age, gender, driving experience, driving history, address, and the value of your car. Insurance companies calculate prices based on these factors, and adding a driver can either increase or decrease your premiums. Adding a more experienced driver, like a parent, may lower your rates, while adding a younger or high-risk driver can increase your premiums.

  7. Fronting: Fronting is a type of insurance fraud that occurs when you declare another person as the primary driver of your car to access lower insurance fees. This is typically done when a parent buys auto insurance in their name for a car that their child primarily drives. Fronting is illegal and can result in denial of coverage and fraud charges.

These are the key concepts discussed in this article. I hope this information helps you better understand the topic of adding a driver to your car insurance policy. If you have any further questions or need more specific information, feel free to ask!

Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide (2024)


Adding Another Driver to Your Insurance Guide? ›

Your insurance company will typically need the driver's name, date of birth, driving history, license information, as well as their vehicle identification number (VIN) if you also plan to share one policy that covers both of your vehicles.

Is adding a driver the same as sharing a policy? ›

Adding a driver vs.

If they get into an accident, your insurer is more likely to cover the damage. Sharing a car insurance policy, on the other hand, typically means both of your vehicles are covered under one policy.

What is the difference between named insured and additional driver? ›

A named insured is entitled to 100% of the benefits and coverage provided by the policy. An additional insured is someone who is not the owner of the policy but who, under certain circ*mstances, may be entitled to some of the benefits and a certain amount of coverage under the policy.

Can someone not on your insurance drive your car Progressive? ›

If you allow someone else to borrow your car, it's still covered by your insurance policy. Insurers call this "permissive use." This is true even when the driver carries their own insurance.

What is fronting in insurance? ›

Fronting in car insurance is when someone – often a parent or older driver – falsely claims they are the main driver of a vehicle when in fact it is a younger, or less experienced, driver who will be using the car the most. Having an older driver as the main driver will result in a cheaper premium.

What happens when you add someone to your car insurance? ›

You can typically make a change to your policy at any time to add a new driver at your residence, such as a teenage child, or a driver that just started driving your car regularly. Adding a driver to your insurance policy means they're an insured driver under your policy when they drive your car.

Can I drive as an additional driver? ›

Any named driver can use your vehicle occasionally. That means they shouldn't be the permanent driver, nor should they be regularly using the vehicle, for example for driving to work. If someone is named as an additional driver but in fact has main use of the car, this is called fronting, which is illegal.

Who should be listed as additional insured? ›

Typically, an additional named insured will be someone close to the policyholder or relevant to their business dealings. For example, a co-owner, vendor, or family member are some common examples of secondary and additional named insured parties.

Why did Progressive add someone to my policy? ›

Consent is Key: Any changes to your insurance policy, including adding drivers, typically require your consent. This is part of the contractual agreement between you and the insurer. Possible Reasons: Sometimes, an insurer might add a driver if they believe that person frequently uses your vehicle.

Is insurance attached to the car or the driver? ›

Contrary to popular belief, car insurance typically follows the car — not the driver. If you let someone else drive your car and they get in an accident, your insurance company would likely be responsible for paying the claim, depending on the coverages in your policy.

What are 3 things you should do before lending your car to a friend or family member? ›

Before lending your car to a family member or friend, make sure they have a valid driver's license, that you have checked their driving history and abilities, and that you have copies of the registration and insurance policy located in the car.

How does Progressive know who is driving? ›

How does the Snapshot app with Road Test know if I am driving? The app can tell when you're driving based on your speed and the distance you're traveling. It can also tell when you're the driver rather than a passenger. It's entirely automatic, so you can hop in your car without a second thought.

Why does my insurance go up when I remove a driver? ›

If the driver has a history of insurance claims and accidents removing them from your policy may reduce your rate. On the other hand, your rate could go up if the driver has no history of claims, accidents, or traffic violations.

Does it matter who the primary driver is? ›

The car's primary driver is the person who will use it the most; thus, the vehicle is subject to their driving habits. This plays a role in determining how much the car insurance rates will be for the policyholder.

What is the fee for fronting insurance? ›

However, the fronting company (insurer) assumes a credit risk since it would be required to honor the obligations imposed by the policy if the self-insurer or captive failed to indemnify it. Fronting companies charge a fee for this service, generally between 5 and 10 percent of the premium being written.

Can I change the main driver on my insurance? ›

Yes you should always inform your insurance company of any changes so that records are up to date. If you don't, you could risk invalidating your car insurance policy. Speak to your insurer as soon as possible so that you can correct your details as the main driver.

What does it mean to be listed as a driver? ›

A non-rated driver is an individual who lives in your home or may occasionally drive your vehicle, but won't affect your policy's premiums. Also known as a listed or list-only driver, these individuals may have regular access to your vehicle but either don't drive it often or have their own insurance coverage.

Can I add a named driver to my policy? ›

Get the best deal on cover for an additional driver

Most car insurance providers allow you to add an extra 'named' driver onto your insurance policy so they can drive your car. This short guide tells you how to do it and what you need to know when arranging cover for them.

Can I add my friend's car to my insurance policy? ›

Insurance for someone else's car: If you and the other vehicle's owner both live in the same permanent residence and are named insureds on the policy, then you can typically add their vehicle.

What is the difference between a rated driver and a listed driver? ›

A Rated Resident: Someone that lives with you, and actively drives your car. This could be a friend, roommate, or anyone else you might live with. If they get into an accident, your insurance company will cover the claim. List Only Driver: A person that you have on your policy but who doesn't actively drive your car.


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