Lecture Notes on General Relativity (2024)


Contemporary cosmological models are based on the idea that theuniverse is pretty much the same everywhere - a stance sometimesknown as the Copernican principle. On the face of it, sucha claim seems preposterous; the center of the sun, for example, bears little resemblance to the desolate cold of interstellarspace. But we take the Copernican principle to only apply onthe very largest scales, where local variations in density areaveraged over. Its validity on such scales is manifested in a number of different observations, such as number countsof galaxies and observations of diffuse X-ray and Lecture Notes on General Relativity (3)-raybackgrounds, but is most clear in the 3° microwave backgroundradiation. Although we now know that the microwave background is notperfectly smooth (and nobody ever expected that it was), the deviations from regularity are on the order of 10-5 or less,certainly an adequate basis for an approximate description of spacetime on large scales.

The Copernican principle is related to two more mathematicallyprecise properties that a manifold might have: isotropy and hom*ogeneity.Isotropy applies at some specific point in the space, andstates that the space looks the same no matter what direction youlook in. More formally, a manifold M is isotropic around a pointp if, for any two vectors V and W inTpM, there is an isometry of M such that the pushforward of W under theisometry is parallel with V (not pushed forward).It is isotropy which is indicated by the observations of themicrowave background.

hom*ogeneity is the statement that the metric is the samethroughout the space. In other words, given any two points p andq in M, there is an isometry which takes p intoq. Note that there is no necessary relationship between hom*ogeneityand isotropy; a manifold can be hom*ogeneous but nowhere isotropic(such as Lecture Notes on General Relativity (4) × S2 in the usual metric), or it can be isotropic around a point without being hom*ogeneous (such as a cone, which isisotropic around its vertex but certainly not hom*ogeneous). On theother hand, if a space is isotropic everywhere then it ishom*ogeneous. (Likewise if it is isotropic around one point andalso hom*ogeneous, it will be isotropic around every point.)Since there is ample observational evidence for isotropy, and the Copernican principle would have us believe that weare not the center of the universe and therefore observers elsewhereshould also observe isotropy, we will henceforth assume bothhom*ogeneity and isotropy.

There is one catch. When we look at distant galaxies, they appearto be receding from us; the universe is apparently not static, butchanging with time. Therefore we begin construction of cosmologicalmodels with the idea that the universe is hom*ogeneous and isotropicin space, but not in time. In general relativity this translates intothe statement that the universe can be foliated into spacelike slicessuch that each slice is hom*ogeneous and isotropic. We therefore consider our spacetime to be Lecture Notes on General Relativity (5) × Lecture Notes on General Relativity (6), whereLecture Notes on General Relativity (7) represents the time direction and Lecture Notes on General Relativity (8) is a hom*ogeneous andisotropic three-manifold. The usefulness of hom*ogeneity and isotropy is that they imply that Lecture Notes on General Relativity (9) must be a maximallysymmetric space. (Think of isotropy as invariance under rotations,and hom*ogeneity as invariance under translations. Then hom*ogeneityand isotropy together imply that a space has its maximum possiblenumber of Killing vectors.) Thereforewe can take our metric to be of the form

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (10) (8.1)

Here t is the timelike coordinate, and (u1, u2, u3) are thecoordinates on Lecture Notes on General Relativity (11); Lecture Notes on General Relativity (12) is the maximally symmetricmetric on Lecture Notes on General Relativity (13). This formula is a special case of (7.2), which weused to derive the Schwarzschild metric, except we have scaled tsuch that gtt = - 1. The function a(t)is known as the scale factor, and it tells us "how big" the spacelikeslice Lecture Notes on General Relativity (14) is at the moment t. The coordinates used here,in which the metric is free of cross terms dt dui and thespacelike components are proportional to a single function of t, are known as comoving coordinates, and an observer who stays at constantui is also called "comoving". Only a comovingobserver will think that the universe looks isotropic; in fact on Earth we arenot quite comoving, and as a result we see a dipole anisotropy inthe cosmic microwave background as a result of the conventionalDoppler effect.

Our interest is therefore in maximally symmetric Euclidean three-metricsLecture Notes on General Relativity (15). We know that maximally symmetric metrics obey

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (16) (8.2)

where k is some constant, and we put a superscript (3) onthe Riemann tensor to remind us that it is associated with thethree-metric Lecture Notes on General Relativity (17), not the metric of the entire spacetime.The Ricci tensor is then

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (18) (8.3)

If the space is to be maximally symmetric, then it will certainlybe spherically symmetric. We already know something about sphericallysymmetric spaces from our exploration of the Schwarzschildsolution; the metric can be put in the form

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (19) (8.4)

The components of the Ricci tensor for such a metric can be obtainedfrom (7.16), the Ricci tensor for a spherically symmetric spacetime,by setting Lecture Notes on General Relativity (20) = 0 and Lecture Notes on General Relativity (21)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (22) = 0, which gives

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (23) (8.5)

We set these proportional to the metric using (8.3), and can solvefor Lecture Notes on General Relativity (24)(r):

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (25) (8.6)

This gives us the following metric on spacetime:

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (26) (8.7)

This is the Robertson-Walker metric. We have not yetmade use of Einstein's equations; those will determine the behaviorof the scale factor a(t).

Note that the substitutions

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (27) (8.8)

leave (8.7) invariant. Therefore the only relevant parameteris k/| k|, and there are three cases of interest: k= - 1, k = 0, and k = + 1. The k = - 1 case correspondsto constant negative curvature on Lecture Notes on General Relativity (28), and is called open; thek = 0 case corresponds to no curvature on Lecture Notes on General Relativity (29), and is called flat; the k = + 1 case corresponds to positive curvatureon Lecture Notes on General Relativity (30), and is called closed.

Let us examine each of these possibilities. For the flat casek = 0 the metric on Lecture Notes on General Relativity (31) is

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (32) (8.9)

which is simply flat Euclidean space. Globally, it could describeLecture Notes on General Relativity (33) or a more complicated manifold, such as the three-torus S1 × S1 × S1. For the closed case k = + 1 we can define r = sinLecture Notes on General Relativity (34) to write the metric on Lecture Notes on General Relativity (35) as

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (36) (8.10)

which is the metric of a three-sphere. In this case the onlypossible global structure is actually the three-sphere (except forthe non-orientable manifold Lecture Notes on General Relativity (37)P3). Finally in the open k = - 1case we can set r = sinhLecture Notes on General Relativity (38) to obtain

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (39) (8.11)

This is the metric for a three-dimensional space of constantnegative curvature; it is hard to visualize, but think of thesaddle example we spoke of in Section Three. Globally such a space couldextend forever (which is the origin of the word "open"), but itcould also describe a non-simply-connected compact space (so "open"is really not the most accurate description).

With the metric in hand, we can set about computing the connectioncoefficients and curvature tensor. Setting Lecture Notes on General Relativity (40) Lecture Notes on General Relativity (41) da/dt,the Christoffel symbols are given by

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (42) (8.12)

The nonzero components of the Ricci tensor are

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (43) (8.13)

and the Ricci scalar is then

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (44) (8.14)

The universe is not empty, so we are not interested in vacuumsolutions to Einstein's equations. We will choose to model thematter and energy in the universe by a perfect fluid. We discussedperfect fluids in Section One, where they were defined as fluidswhich are isotropic in their rest frame. The energy-momentum tensorfor a perfect fluid can be written

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (45) (8.15)

where Lecture Notes on General Relativity (46) and p are the energy density and pressure (respectively) as measured in the rest frame, and ULecture Notes on General Relativity (47) is the four-velocity ofthe fluid. It is clear that, if a fluid which is isotropic in someframe leads to a metric which is isotropic in some frame, the twoframes will coincide; that is, the fluid will be at rest in comovingcoordinates. The four-velocity is then

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (48) (8.16)

and the energy-momentum tensor is

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (49) (8.17)

With one index raised this takes the more convenient form

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (50) (8.18)

Note that the trace is given by

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (51) (8.19)

Before plugging in to Einstein's equations, it is educational toconsider the zero component of the conservation of energy equation:

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (52) (8.20)

To make progress it is necessary to choose an equation ofstate, a relationship between Lecture Notes on General Relativity (53) and p. Essentially all ofthe perfect fluids relevant to cosmology obey the simple equationof state

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (54) (8.21)

where w is a constant independent of time. The conservationof energy equation becomes

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (55) (8.22)

which can be integrated to obtain

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (56) (8.23)

The two most popular examples of cosmological fluids areknown as dust and radiation. Dust is collisionless,nonrelativistic matter, which obeys w = 0. Examples include ordinary stars and galaxies, for which the pressure is negligible in comparison with the energy density. Dust is alsoknown as "matter", and universes whose energy density is mostlydue to dust areknown as matter-dominated. The energy density in matterfalls off as

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (57) (8.24)

This is simply interpretedas the decrease in the number density of particles as the universeexpands. (For dust the energy density is dominated by the restenergy, which is proportional to the number density.) "Radiation"may be used to describe either actual electromagnetic radiation, ormassive particles moving at relative velocities sufficiently close to the speed of light that they become indistinguishable from photons (atleast as far as their equation of state is concerned).Although radiation is a perfect fluid and thus has an energy-momentumtensor given by (8.15), we also know that TLecture Notes on General Relativity (58)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (59) can be expressed interms of the field strength as

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (60) (8.25)

The trace of this is given by

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (61) (8.26)

But this must also equal (8.19), so the equation of state is

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (62) (8.27)

A universe in which most of the energy density is in the form ofradiation is known as radiation-dominated. The energydensity in radiation falls off as

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (63) (8.28)

Thus, the energy density in radiation falls off slightly fasterthan that in matter; this is because the number density of photonsdecreases in the same way as the number density of nonrelativisticparticles, but individual photons also lose energy as a-1as they redshift, as we will see later. (Likewise, massive butrelativistic particles will lose energy as they "slow down" incomoving coordinates.) We believe that today theenergy density of the universe is dominated by matter, withLecture Notes on General Relativity (64)/Lecture Notes on General Relativity (65) Lecture Notes on General Relativity (66) 106. However, in the past the universe was much smaller, and the energy density in radiationwould have dominated at very early times.

There is one other form of energy-momentum that is sometimes considered, namely that of the vacuum itself. Introducing energyinto the vacuum is equivalent to introducing a cosmological constant.Einstein's equations with a cosmological constant are

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (67) (8.29)

which is clearly the same form as the equations with no cosmologicalconstant but an energy-momentum tensor for the vacuum,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (68) (8.30)

This has the form of a perfect fluid with

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (69) (8.31)

We therefore have w = - 1, and the energy density is independent of a, which is whatwe would expect for the energy density of the vacuum. Since theenergy density in matter and radiation decreases as the universeexpands, if there is a nonzero vacuum energy it tends to win out overthe long term (as long as the universe doesn't start contracting).If this happens, we say that the universe becomes vacuum-dominated.

We now turn to Einstein's equations. Recall that they can bewritten in the form (4.45):

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (70) (8.32)

The Lecture Notes on General Relativity (71)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (72) = 00 equation is

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (73) (8.33)

and the Lecture Notes on General Relativity (74)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (75) = ij equations give

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (76) (8.34)

(There is only one distinct equation from Lecture Notes on General Relativity (77)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (78) = ij, due toisotropy.) We can use (8.33) to eliminate second derivatives in(8.34), and do a little cleaning up to obtain

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (79) (8.35)


Lecture Notes on General Relativity (80) (8.36)

Together these are known as the Friedmann equations,and metrics of the form (8.7) which obey these equations defineFriedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universes.

There is a bunch of terminology which is associated with thecosmological parameters, and we will just introduce the basicshere. The rate of expansion is characterized by the Hubbleparameter,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (81) (8.37)

The value of the Hubble parameter at the present epoch is theHubble constant, H0. There is currently a great deal of controversy about what its actual value is, with measurementsfalling in the range of 40 to 90 km/sec/Mpc. ("Mpc" stands for"megaparsec", which is 3 × 1024 cm.) Note that wehave to divide Lecture Notes on General Relativity (82) by a to get a measurable quantity, sincethe overall scale of a is irrelevant. There is also thedeceleration parameter,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (83) (8.38)

which measures the rate of change of the rate of expansion.

Another useful quantity is the density parameter,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (84) (8.39)

where the critical density is defined by

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (85) (8.40)

This quantity (which will generally change with time) is calledthe "critical" density because the Friedmann equation (8.36)can be written

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (86) (8.41)

The sign of k is therefore determined by whether Lecture Notes on General Relativity (87) isgreater than, equal to, or less than one. We have

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (88)

The density parameter, then, tells us which of the three Robertson-Walker geometries describes our universe. Determiningit observationally is an area of intense investigation.

It is possible to solve the Friedmann equations exactly in various simple cases, but it is often more useful to knowthe qualitative behavior of various possibilities. Let us forthe moment set Lecture Notes on General Relativity (89) = 0, and consider the behavior of universesfilled with fluids of positive energy (Lecture Notes on General Relativity (90) > 0) and nonnegativepressure (p Lecture Notes on General Relativity (91) 0). Then by (8.35) we must have Lecture Notes on General Relativity (92) < 0.Since we know from observations of distant galaxies that the universe is expanding (Lecture Notes on General Relativity (93) > 0), this means that the universe is "decelerating." This is whatwe should expect, since the gravitational attraction of the matterin the universe works against the expansion. The fact thatthe universe can only decelerate means that it must have beenexpanding even faster in the past; if we trace the evolution backwards in time, we necessarily reach a singularity at a = 0. Notice that if Lecture Notes on General Relativity (94) were exactly zero, a(t)would be a straight line, and the age of the universe would beH0-1. Since Lecture Notes on General Relativity (95) is actually negative, the universemust be somewhat younger than that.

This singularity at a = 0 is the Big Bang.It represents the creation of the universe from a singular state,not explosion of matter into a pre-existing spacetime. It might behoped that the perfect symmetry of our FRW universes was responsiblefor this singularity, but in fact it's not true; the singularitytheorems predict that any universe with Lecture Notes on General Relativity (97) > 0 and p Lecture Notes on General Relativity (98) 0 musthave begun at a singularity. Of coursethe energy density becomes arbitrarily high as a Lecture Notes on General Relativity (99) 0,and we don't expect classical general relativity to be anaccurate description of nature in this regime; hopefully a consistent theory of quantum gravity will be able to fix things up.

The future evolution is different for different values of k.For the open and flat cases, k Lecture Notes on General Relativity (100) 0, (8.36) implies

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (101) (8.42)

The right hand side is strictly positive (since we areassuming Lecture Notes on General Relativity (102) > 0), so Lecture Notes on General Relativity (103) never passes through zero. Sincewe know that today Lecture Notes on General Relativity (104) > 0, it must be positive for all time.Thus, the open and flat universes expand forever - they aretemporally as well as spatially open. (Please keepin mind what assumptions go into this - namely, that thereis a nonzero positive energy density. Negative energy densityuniverses do not have to expand forever, even if they are "open".)

How fast do these universes keep expanding? Consider thequantity Lecture Notes on General Relativity (105)a3 (which is constant in matter-dominateduniverses). By the conservation of energy equation (8.20) we have

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (106) (8.43)

The right hand side is either zero or negative; therefore

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (107) (8.44)

This implies in turn that Lecture Notes on General Relativity (108)a2 must go to zero in anever-expanding universe, where a Lecture Notes on General Relativity (109) Lecture Notes on General Relativity (110). Thus (8.42)tells us that

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (111) (8.45)

(Remember that this is true for k Lecture Notes on General Relativity (112) 0.) Thus, for k = - 1the expansion approaches the limiting value Lecture Notes on General Relativity (113) Lecture Notes on General Relativity (114) 1,while for k = 0 the universe keeps expanding, but more and more slowly.

For the closed universes (k = + 1), (8.36) becomes

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (115) (8.46)

The argument that Lecture Notes on General Relativity (116)a2 Lecture Notes on General Relativity (117) 0 as a Lecture Notes on General Relativity (118) Lecture Notes on General Relativity (119)still applies; but in that case (8.46) would become negative, whichcan't happen. Therefore the universe does not expand indefinitely;a possesses an upper bound amax. As a approachesamax, (8.35) implies

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (120) (8.47)

Thus Lecture Notes on General Relativity (121) is finite and negative at this point, so a reaches amax and starts decreasing, whereupon (since Lecture Notes on General Relativity (122) < 0)it will inevitably continue to contract to zero - the Big Crunch.Thus, the closed universes (again, under our assumptions ofpositive Lecture Notes on General Relativity (123) and nonnegative p) are closed in time as wellas space.

We will now list some of the exact solutions corresponding to only one type of energy density.For dust-only universes (p = 0), it is convenient to definea development angle Lecture Notes on General Relativity (125)(t), rather than using t asa parameter directly. The solutions are then, for openuniverses,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (126) (8.48)

for flat universes,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (127) (8.49)

and for closed universes,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (128) (8.50)

where we have defined

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (129) (8.51)

For universes filled with nothing but radiation, p = Lecture Notes on General Relativity (130)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (131),we have once again open universes,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (132) (8.52)

flat universes,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (133) (8.53)

and closed universes,

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (134) (8.54)

where this time we defined

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (135) (8.55)

You can check for yourselves that these exact solutions have the properties we argued would hold in general.

For universes which are empty save for the cosmological constant,either Lecture Notes on General Relativity (136) or p will be negative, in violation of the assumptions we used earlier to derive the general behavior ofa(t). In this case the connection between open/closed and expands forever/recollapses is lost. We begin by consideringLecture Notes on General Relativity (137) < 0. In this case Lecture Notes on General Relativity (138)is negative, and from (8.41) this can only happen if k = - 1.The solution in this case is

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (139) (8.56)

There is also an open (k = - 1) solution for Lecture Notes on General Relativity (140) > 0, given by

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (141) (8.57)

A flat vacuum-dominated universe must have Lecture Notes on General Relativity (142) > 0, and thesolution is

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (143) (8.58)

while the closed universe must also have Lecture Notes on General Relativity (144) > 0, and satisfies

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (145) (8.59)

These solutions are a little misleading. In fact the threesolutions for Lecture Notes on General Relativity (146) > 0 - (8.57), (8.58), and (8.59) -all represent the same spacetime, just in different coordinates.This spacetime, known as de Sitter space, is actuallymaximally symmetric as a spacetime. (See Hawking and Ellis fordetails.) The Lecture Notes on General Relativity (147) < 0 solution (8.56) isalso maximally symmetric, and is known as anti-de Sitter space.

It is clear that we would like to observationally determine a number of quantities to decide which of the FRW models corresponds to our universe. Obviously we would like to determineH0, since that is related to the age of the universe.(For a purely matter-dominated, k = 0 universe, (8.49) implies that theage is 2 / (3H0). Other possibilities would predictsimilar relations.) We would also like to know Lecture Notes on General Relativity (148), which determinesk through (8.41). Given the definition (8.39) of Lecture Notes on General Relativity (149),this means we want to know both H0 and Lecture Notes on General Relativity (150). Unfortunatelyboth quantities are hard to measure accurately, especially Lecture Notes on General Relativity (151).But notice that the deceleration parameter q can be relatedto Lecture Notes on General Relativity (152) using (8.35):

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (153) (8.60)

Therefore, if we think we know what w is (i.e., what kindof stuff the universe is made of), we can determine Lecture Notes on General Relativity (154) bymeasuring q. (Unfortunately we are not completely confident thatwe know w, and q is itself hard to measure. But people aretrying.)

To understand how these quantities might conceivably be measured,let's consider geodesic motion in an FRW universe. There are anumber of spacelike Killing vectors, but no timelike Killing vectorto give us a notion of conserved energy. There is, however, aKilling tensor. If ULecture Notes on General Relativity (155) = (1, 0, 0, 0) is the four-velocity ofcomoving observers, then the tensor

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (156) (8.61)

satisfies Lecture Notes on General Relativity (157)KLecture Notes on General Relativity (158)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (159)) = 0 (as you can check), and istherefore a Killing tensor. This means that if a particle hasfour-velocity VLecture Notes on General Relativity (160) = dxLecture Notes on General Relativity (161)/dLecture Notes on General Relativity (162), the quantity

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (163) (8.62)

will be a constant along geodesics. Let's think about this, firstfor massive particles. Then we will have VLecture Notes on General Relativity (164)VLecture Notes on General Relativity (165) = - 1, or

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (166) (8.63)

where |Lecture Notes on General Relativity (167)|2 = gijViVj. So (8.61) implies

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (168) (8.64)

The particle therefore "slows down" with respect to the comoving coordinates as the universe expands. In fact this is anactual slowing down, in the sense that a gas of particles withinitially high relative velocities will cool down as the universeexpands.

A similar thing happens to null geodesics. In this case VLecture Notes on General Relativity (169)VLecture Notes on General Relativity (170) = 0, and (8.62) implies

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (171) (8.65)

But the frequency of the photon as measured by a comovingobserver is Lecture Notes on General Relativity (172) = - ULecture Notes on General Relativity (173)VLecture Notes on General Relativity (174). The frequency of the photonemitted with frequency Lecture Notes on General Relativity (175) will therefore be observed witha lower frequency Lecture Notes on General Relativity (176) as the universe expands:

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (177) (8.66)

Cosmologists like to speak of this in terms of the redshiftz between the two events, defined by the fractional change inwavelength:

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (178) (8.67)

Notice that this redshift is not the same as the conventionalDoppler effect; it is the expansion of space, not the relativevelocities of the observer and emitter, which leads to theredshift.

The redshift is something we can measure; we know the rest-framewavelengths of various spectral lines in the radiation fromdistant galaxies, so we can tell how much their wavelengths havechanged along the path from time t1 when they wereemitted to time t0 when they were observed. We therefore know theratio of the scale factors at these two times. But we don't knowthe times themselves; the photons are not clever enough to tellus how much coordinate time has elapsed on their journey. We haveto work harder to extract this information.

Roughly speaking, since a photon moves at the speed of light itstravel time should simply be its distance. But what is the"distance" of a far away galaxy in an expanding universe?The comoving distance is not especially useful, since it is notmeasurable, and furthermore because the galaxies need not becomoving in general. Instead we can define the luminositydistance as

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (179) (8.68)

where L is the absolute luminosity of the source and F is the flux measured by the observer (the energy per unit time perunit area of some detector). The definition comes from the fact that in flat space, for a source at distance d the fluxover the luminosity is just one over the area of a sphere centeredaround the source, F/L = 1/A(d )= 1/4Lecture Notes on General Relativity (180)d2. In an FRW universe,however, the flux will be diluted. Conservation of photonstells us that the total number of photons emitted bythe source will eventually pass through a sphere at comovingdistance r from the emitter. Such a sphere is at a physicaldistance d = a0r, wherea0 is the scale factor when the photons are observed. But the flux is diluted by two additional effects:the individual photons redshift by a factor (1 + z), and the photonsh*t the sphere less frequently, since two photons emitted a timeLecture Notes on General Relativity (181)t apart will be measured at a time (1 + z)Lecture Notes on General Relativity (182)t apart.Therefore we will have

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (183) (8.69)


Lecture Notes on General Relativity (184) (8.70)

The luminosity distance dL is something we might hope to measure, since there are some astrophysical sources whoseabsolute luminosities are known ("standard candles"). But ris not observable, so we have to remove that from our equation.On a null geodesic (chosen to be radial for convenience) we have

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (185) (8.71)


Lecture Notes on General Relativity (186) (8.72)

For galaxies not too far away, we can expand the scale factor ina Taylor series about its present value:

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (187) (8.73)

We can then expand both sides of (8.72) to find

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (188) (8.74)

Now remembering (8.67), the expansion (8.73) is the same as

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (189) (8.75)

For small H0(t1 - t0) thiscan be inverted to yield

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (190) (8.76)

Substituting this back again into (8.74) gives

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (191) (8.77)

Finally, using this in (8.70) yields Hubble's Law:

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (192) (8.78)

Therefore, measurement of the luminosity distances and redshiftsof a sufficient number of galaxies allows us to determineH0 and q0, and therefore takes us a long way to decidingwhat kind of FRW universe we live in. The observations themselves areextremely difficult, and the values of these parameters in thereal world are still hotly contested. Over the next decade or soa variety of new strategies and more precise application ofold strategies could very well answer these questions once and for all.

Lecture Notes on General Relativity (2024)


Is general relativity a hard class? ›

General relativity is not necessarily hard to understand as the basics are quite simple. However, applying and using the equations of general relativity is hard. This is because the mathematics used in general relativity, such as tensor calculus, are usually very hard to understand for most people.

What is the simplest explanation of general relativity? ›

What is general relativity? Essentially, it's a theory of gravity. The basic idea is that instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it.

How hard is general theory of relativity? ›

General relativity is hard to understand in part because it requires unlearning some things we think we instinctively "know", such as the idea that identical clocks always measure the same amount of elapsed time.

What is the most significant problem with general relativity? ›

And experts have long suspected that general relativity can't be right in realms of extremely high mass density. At the center of a black hole, for instance, the theory's equations no longer make sense, because they imply that matter density would become infinite.

Is GR harder than QFT? ›

Quantum field theory is harder to learn than general relativity. General relativity has all conventional mathematics as prerequisites : linear algebra, tensor calculus, differential geometry, partial differential equations, etc.

Which is harder quantum physics or general relativity? ›

But a more fair comparison is between Quantum Field Theory (the relativistic version of quantum mechanics) and General Relativity, and the answer is that Quantum Field Theory is harder and more complicated for several reasons.

What does e mc2 stand for? ›

It's the world's most famous equation, but what does it really mean? "Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing.

Is e mc2 the theory of relativity? ›

The most famous equation in the world, E=mc2, arrived rather quietly. In 1905, Einstein published two articles on the Special Theory of Relativity. He completed his first paper in June, on the properties of light and time.

Why is general relativity so hard? ›

One of the major reasons why relativity has a reputation for being difficult to understand is that our intuitions train us to think of space and time as separate things. We experience objects as having extent in “space,” and that seems like a pretty objective fact.

How much math is in general relativity? ›

To fully understand the details of General Relativity and find a solution to Einstein's equation (which is actually 10 coupled equations), the minimum requirement is very good mastery of calculus, linear algebra, and differential geometry (that last one means the study of geometric shapes in terms of differentiable ...

Why is general relativity not taught? ›

Since the nature of spacetime is four-dimensional the human mind cannot perceive or visualize general relativity in an intuitive way. This challenge is probably one of the reasons why general relativity is usually only taught to physics majors at universities and has not entered mainstream education yet.

Is general relativity mathematically rigorous? ›

Canonical quantum general relativity is an attempt to define a mathematically rigorous, non-perturbative, background independent theory of Lorentzian quantum gravity in four spacetime dimensions in the continuum.

Did Einstein believe the universe has a beginning? ›

The idea that the universe had a beginning was first suggested by the general theory of relativity, completed by Albert Einstein in 1916. Einstein's equations, which describe the structure of space and time, suggested that the universe should not be static, but that it ought to be expanding.

Does general relativity explain everything? ›

General relativity is a theoretical framework that only focuses on gravity for understanding the universe in regions of both large scale and high mass: planets, stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, etc.

What are three major predictions of the general theory of relativity? ›

Some follow directly from the theory's axioms, whereas others have become clear only in the course of many years of research that followed Einstein's initial publication.
  • Gravitational time dilation and frequency shift.
  • Light deflection and gravitational time delay.
  • Gravitational waves.

Is general relativity worth learning? ›

Even though the subject is abstract in nature and challenging to teach and learn, the far-reaching scientific, philosophical and cultural importance of general relativity is worth the effort both for the individual and the society as a whole.

Does general relativity use calculus? ›

Calculus is used in many aspects of quantum mechanics, and tensor calculus is used extensively in general relativity. The governing equations, Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics and Einstein field equation in general relativity are partial differential equations. Therefore, calculus is involved.


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